West Virginia is new to the medical marijuana scene, and with recently opened dispensaries, patients are applying for medical marijuana in West Virginia at a rapid pace.
While many might be familiar with old school cannabis from years past, or perhaps have had some experience with black-market cannabis products, medical marijuana products comprise a totally different category of cannabis.
Many patients will be trying cannabis for the first time, looking for relief from symptoms and hoping to add a healthier alternative medicine to their regimen.
In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about using cannabis products for the first time, how to confidently dose products, and what to expect when you take your first puff!
Using Cannabis for the First Time – Make a Plan
Cannabis for the First Time Can Be Comfortable
Cannabis can provide immeasurable therapeutic relief to patients who are suffering from chronic or terminal illnesses. But as with all medications, using a new medicine for the first time can be a little scary, and if not planned properly, can set you up for a negative experience.
Fortunately, using cannabis for the first time can be a very pleasant and comfortable experience provided you have a decent plan.
Make a Cannabis Journal
Making a plan for your first time using cannabis is critical and will help you manage how cannabis makes you feel alongside its medical benefits.
One of the best ways to do this is by keeping a cannabis journal. There are many products available that can help you track the cannabis strains and products you try, or you can keep a journal by hand, but keeping a journal will help build your familiarity and understanding of how cannabis will interact with your body.
Do the Research on Cannabis!
Back to the Basics
Getting familiar with the terminology and language of the cannabis world certainly helps in understanding how cannabis will work for you.
Getting down the different strain types, terpene profiles, cannabinoids and compounds can be a relatively easy process as there are plenty of resources for cannabis education online that can help point you in the right direction.
You don’t need to be a cannabis scholar, but getting familiar with the basics like the entourage effect, strain types, and product options will go a long way.
Follow the Rules
Once you’re comfortable with your level of education, you’ll be much better equipped to determine which strains or cannabis products will be right for you.
Along the way, you’ll likely find there are some easy rules to follow in the world of cannabis. These principles won’t apply to everyone, but as a general rule they make sense and will apply for most people.
With a clear and concise understanding of what not to do, you’ll be much more prepared to try cannabis for the first time.
Rules for Using Cannabis for the First Time
Take it Slow
The first, and most important rule of all is to take it slow.
And by slow, we mean snail slow.
You likely shouldn’t smoke an entire joint or eat an entire edible for your first time using cannabis, just one puff or one bite will do just fine.
Let yourself become more comfortable with using cannabis products in microdoses before moving up to higher dosages and you’ll avoid all of the horror stories of taking too much cannabis.
Let Time Be on Your Side
The same rule of taking it slow applies to your frequency of dosage too. There’s no need to take another puff or another bite of an edible immediately after your first attempt, cannabis can sometimes take a while to start presenting effects.
The last thing you want to do is take a product for the first time and follow that dosage up with another dose shortly thereafter. Some people won’t experience any effects from cannabis off of a small quantity, while others will experience significant effects from smaller quantities.
Try Low-THC Products First
Get Comfortable with Cannabinoids
The therapeutic values in cannabis don’t rely solely on psychoactive effects. Although THC is known to help with a wide range of medical symptoms, it can also be overdone very easily.
There are no dangers of overdosing or severe addiction like traditional pharmaceutical drugs, but too much THC can make you uncomfortable for an unpleasant amount of time.
Try products that have little or no THC at all and see how the other cannabinoids and terpenes can work for you. In many cases, CBD, CBG, and CBN can provide incredible relief for many patients suffering from chronic or terminal illnesses, and only a small amount of THC is required alongside them.
Get Comfortable with Cannabinoids
There are many products available for patients who are just stepping into cannabis for the first time, including low-THC flower, topicals, tinctures, and even low-dosage edibles.
You won’t be limited to only the highest THC strains, and you won’t have to take 1,000mg edibles, there are always options for patients with low tolerances or who are trying cannabis as a beginner.
Talk to your budtender at the dispensary and let them know you are new to cannabis and want to take it slow and easy, and they’ll be able to easily walk you through which products are available for getting the best dosage for you as a beginner!
Get Your Medical Marijuana Certification in West Virginia
With West Virginia recently opening dispensaries, patients are applying for medical marijuana certifications left and right. Getting your medical cannabis certification in West Virginia can even be done online from the comfort of your own home, offering maximum privacy and convenience!
Take the steps to schedule your medical marijuana evaluation appointment today and get access to legal marijuana products available at dispensaries!
Being a West Virginia medical marijuana patient allows you the freedom to take your medication the right way for you. We’re dedicated to helping patients every step of the way! Feel free to give us a call at 877-303-8424 and we can answer your questions about getting a medical marijuana card in West Virginia.
Doctors Who Care.
Relief You Can Trust.
West Virginia Marijuana Card’s mission is to help everyone achieve
wellness safely and conveniently through increased access to medical marijuana.
Our focus on education, inclusion, and acceptance will reduce the stigma for
our patients by providing equal access to timely information and compassionate care.
If you have any questions, call us at 877-303-8424, or simply book a medical marijuana evaluation to start getting relief you can trust today!
Check out West Virginia Marijuana Card’s Blog to keep up to date on the latest medical marijuana news, tips, and information and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to join the medical marijuana conversation in West Virginia.