Throughout a woman’s life, they experience many changes to their body, mood, appetite, and more. Not to mention-they have menstruation to deal with once a month. Many people underestimate the severity of PMS symptoms.
Some of the common symptoms of PMS can include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, cramps, backache, and much more. It’s not uncommon for women to experience multiple of these symptoms at once when they are on their period.
These symptoms are not enjoyable and can actually be pretty severely painful. It is different for every woman, and there is no way to know how extreme a period may be when it comes on or which symptoms women will experience.
Marijuana has many medicinal benefits, which is why 38 states have implemented a medical cannabis program. Cannabis can aid in pain relief for a whole host of symptom, but what about PMS and menopause?
Can Cannabis Help With PMS?
Many menstrual symptoms can be alleviated with the use of cannabis. THC is a powerful cannabinoid and has many healing properties, including the ability to help with general discomfort or pain.
As previously mentioned, many PMS symptoms can be very painful. Among the most painful symptoms is period cramps.
Marijuana and Period Cramps
During menstruation, a woman’s uterine muscles will contract as a way of clearing out the uterus. This process causes inflammation, cramping, and general discomfort.
There are many different over the counter as well as prescription medications with the purpose of alleviating painful period cramps. However, many women either develop an immunity to these medications, or they don’t work at all.
Between 2-10% of women over 25 have been diagnosed with endometriosis, which is a painful disorder where the uterus tissue grows outside the uterus when it’s only supposed to grow inside. During PMS, the tissue swells and scarring which can be especially uncomfortable.
Periods can be especially agonizing for women with endometriosis, and there is no cure for the disorder.
A study was conducted in Australia where women with endometriosis used marijuana, and they reported “prominent levels of pain reduction.” They saw improvement in symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and sleep while using cannabis.
Women with endometriosis may want to try an edible or cannabis oil for long-lasting relief during their periods. Transdermal patches across the abdomen may help with pain as well.
Migraines are another excruciating symptom that sometimes comes with PMS, and there has been research on this as well. A trial was conducted, and 94% of participants with migraines reported relief from the symptoms when they used cannabis within the first two hours of the study.
Menopause Symptoms & Cannabis
Entering menopause is a huge change for women to undergo, and it comes with its own host of problems including many uncomfortable symptoms just like periods do.
Some of the most common symptoms of menopause include hot flashes, chills, night sweats, sleep problems, slowed metabolism, insomnia, and many more.
Cannabis can help with insomnia and sleep problems including trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, and the quality of sleep you are getting.
Hot flashes and night sweats are extremely common in women entering menopause, but THC can help! Try a marijuana tincture, which can kick in within 20 minutes and last up to four hours, depending on the THC levels. Vaping or smoking may help with this as well, and you can try a hybrid strain!
Try Marijuana as Medicine Today!
In West Virginia, endometriosis, periods, and PMS are not qualifying conditions. However, if you have one of the state’s qualifying conditions, you can get a marijuana card and the medicine may help with your period or menopause symptoms as well!
You can even get your medical marijuana card online from the comfort of your own home with West Virginia Marijuana Card!
To get your medical card online in West Virginia, simply schedule your medical marijuana evaluation appointment today and get access to legal marijuana products available at dispensaries!
Being a West Virginia medical marijuana patient allows you the freedom to establish your own personalized treatment plan. We’re dedicated to helping patients every step of the way!
Feel free to give us a call at 877-303-8424 and we can answer your questions about getting a medical marijuana card in West Virginia.
Doctors Who Care.
Relief You Can Trust.
West Virginia Marijuana Card’s mission is to help everyone achieve
wellness safely and conveniently through increased access to medical marijuana.
Our focus on education, inclusion, and acceptance will reduce the stigma for
our patients by providing equal access to timely information and compassionate care.
If you have any questions, call us at 877-303-8424, or simply book a medical marijuana evaluation to start getting relief you can trust today!
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