Discussing Medical Cannabis Treatment With Your Family
Making the decision to begin medical marijuana treatment isn’t always the easiest for patients. Although medical marijuana use continues to become more popular, there is still a stigma that remains with cannabis. Talking about your new health solution with your family may be challenging for some. However, by approaching the situation the right way, it doesn’t have to be as difficult of a conversation as you might think.
Choose a Comfortable Setting
Once you decide to have a talk with your loved ones, make sure it takes place in a setting where both parties will be comfortable and won’t have any interruptions.
If you have a diverse family that has different opinions about using cannabis, remember not to dismiss their concerns and encourage them to ask questions. The more open-minded you remain and the more information you can provide to your family, the better.
Focus on the Research and Benefits of Cannabis
There is a wide array of research that has been conducted that covers the benefits of marijuana for a number of medical conditions. If you are suffering from a specific condition such as anxiety, PTSD, or chronic pain for example, have research ready to show to your family member(s) that explains how marijuana can be effective in providing relief and alleviating your symptoms.
If your family raises concern regarding the psychoactive effects cannabis produces, remind them that not all medical marijuana products will create the ‘high feeling.’ THC based products such as topicals do not cause any psychoactive effects and products containing only CBD are non-intoxicating.
It can also be beneficial to talk to your family about how medical marijuana compares to traditional medication. For example, if you are suffering from chronic pain, you can highlight how using cannabis is a safer and more natural alternative to using prescription painkillers, especially opioid based medication.
At the end of the day, it is important for your family to remember that cannabis is a treatment option that can help your medical condition and lead you to a better quality of life.
If you are a West Virginia resident suffering from a medical condition you think may benefit cannabis, you're likely eligible for medical marijuana treatment.
Click here to learn more about what West Virginia Marijuana Card's state-certified medical marijuana doctors can do for you, or give us a call at (877) 303-8424 and our friendly support team can walk you through the entire process and schedule you for an evaluation appointment.