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Olivia Castro

The Benefits of Having Flower Available for West Virginia’s Medical Marijuana Program

West Virginia was the 29th state in the U.S. to pass a medical marijuana program for those with qualifying medical conditions in 2017.

In 2018, it was recommended by the advisory board to add natural, whole flower to the products that are available for sale at dispensaries. In 2020, SB 339 passed which added “dry leaf or plant form” to West Virginia’s medical marijuana program!

With flower shining bright in West Virginia’s future, we will be discussing today what the benefits are to having flower on the menu!

The Basics of Flower:

Flower is a term for the hairy, crystally trichome covered part of the female cannabis plant. There are no stems, leaves or seeds included when purchasing flower.

Flower is smokable and is also the most popular form of marijuana! It is better known as bud, herb, or nugget. Flower is the classic version of marijuana that comes to mind and is typically purchased in eighths, fourths, halves or grams.

The Benefits of Having Flower Available in West Virginia

There are so many benefits that West Virginia residents with a medical marijuana card can now partake in since the flower bill was passed. Flower availability allows for a lower purchase price and it adds more variety and versatility to the mix!

Flower is a Less Expensive Option

Price is often a deterrent for those that don’t get their medical marijuana card even if they qualify and need one.

Here at West Virginia Marijuana Card, we never want price to get in the way of your health so we price match. With us you know you’re getting the lowest price on the market and also a bang for your buck!

We can’t say the same for dispensaries. They are businesses at the end of the day that put the bottom line first. This is a concern for many West Virginia residents. But flower being on dispensary menus can actually help solve this problem! It is the cheapest way to get medical marijuana because it is the least processed.

Originally only marijuana extracts were permitted in West Virginia. Extracting THC and CBD from cannabis plants can be an expensive process. By skipping this step altogether and just going for flower, you can get medical cannabis at the lowest price point!

Flower Provides More Variety

Another great thing about West Virginia having marijuana flower on dispensary menus is that flower offers tons of variety! Within the category of flower itself there are loads of options.

With flower, there are different strains that you can purchase which you can tailor to treat your medical condition. In West Virginia, there are 14 qualifying medical conditions that you must be diagnosed with in order to qualify for medical marijuana treatment (which we can help you with).

Since there is so much variety among the medical conditions coming into the program, there should also be an equal amount of variety in the products used to treat these conditions too!

Flower Also Offer Versatility for Consumption Methods

Not only does flower give you a less expensive option with more variety, it also gives you versatility for your desired consumption method. There are many different ways that those with a West Virginia marijuana card can consume their medical cannabis once dispensaries are up and running.

When you purchase flower, you have many ways of smoking available to you. One method is through smoking joints or blunts. This is the classic way of smoking cannabis because it is very easy and cheap to purchase a grinder and some wrappers which is all you need. You can get them online or even at your local convenience store!

You can also consume flower via pipes or bongs. Many people tend to avoid pipes and bongs since they seem indulgent but for those of you who are environmental or budget conscious, this is a good option since you don’t have to keep purchasing papers or wrappers and can reuse the pipes and bongs.

The latest trend in consuming flower is with vaporizers. Vapes are a good option since they don’t involve combustion. Some states, like Ohio, do not allow flower to be combusted in the state. Vapes use vaporization instead of combustion to activate the cannabinoids. This makes inhaling flower less harsh!

How to Get You Can Get Flower!

Right now West Virginia does not have any dispensaries open yet. But there is still good news! We are offering pre-dispensary pricing which gives you $50 off of your medical marijuana card when you make an appointment with us.

In order to access dispensaries in West Virginia dispensaries when they open, you have to have a medical marijuana card. We can help you with this step! Schedule an appointment with us today.


Doctors Who Care. Relief You Can Trust.

At West Virginia Marijuana Card, our mission is to help everyone achieve wellness safely and conveniently through increased access to medical marijuana. Our focus on education, inclusion, and acceptance will reduce stigma for our patients by providing equal access to timely information and compassionate care.

If you have any questions, call us at 877-303-8424, or simply book a medical marijuana evaluation to start getting relief you can trust today!

Check out West Virginia Marijuana Card’s Blog to keep up to date on the latest medical marijuana news, tips, and information. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to join the medical marijuana conversation in West Virginia.


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